ⓦ 336 Audio guide to the Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo with statements from all photographers in the exhibition 2023
The La Gacilly-Baden Photo Festival will take place from 15 June to 15 October 2023. Admission is free.
© Michel Bouvet
Welcome to weekly52
My name is Thomas Füngerlings. I am a photographer, blogger and a podcaster since 2017. In this episode, you can dive deep into the Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo.
This episode guides you through the entire exhibition. So today you can listen to the photographers themselves. For each exhibition, the respective artists tell you the stories and background of the pictures. The gripping first-hand information is very interesting and sometimes very moving.
Listen to what Abbas' brother says about his pictures, why Miryam Firuzi almost cried or how Fatima Hossaini photographs Persian women in her homeland.
At the beginning, Lois Lammerhuber (Festival Director) welcomes all the photographers present and the French festival committee. Gregor Schörg then begins the tour and reports on the landscape photos he took with the drone.
Especially in the middle part, I would like to recommend the three poignant stories by Fatima Hossaini, Maryam Firuzi and Véronique de Viguerie.
You can skip to the respective statements using the timestamps. Here is the Spotify link https://spotify.link/9V0ibfef8Cb
(00:00) Short introduction by Thomas Füngerlings
(02:37) Lois Lammerhuber welcoming
(24:12) Gregor Schörg: Wilderness Area Lower Austria
(27:15) CEWE Photo Award - Lois Lammerhuber
(29:45) Christian Wilbers CEWE
(38:35) Chloé Azzopardi: Ecosystems - Florence Drouhet
(41:24) Maxime Taillez: Border(s)
(43:26) Alisa Martynova: Nowhere Near
(49:14) Gerhard Skoff und Brigitte Kössner-Skoff: Indias Living Root Bridges
(56:57) Catherine Stukhard: Great Spa Towns Of Europe - Vichy
(1:02:20) Horst Stasny: Icons
(1:09:38) Rudolf Koppitz: Photogenie - Lois Lammerhuber
(1:18:00) Fotofestival der Schulen: Openings - Florence Drouhet und Camille Froger
(1:25:57) Berufsfotografen Niederösterreich: World Cultural Heritage Lower Austria - Christian Schörg
(1:28:29) Pascal Maitre: Festival La Gacilly-Baden 2022
(1:34:13) Fatima Hossaini: Under The Veil
(1:40:11) Maryam Firuzi: Persian Identities
(1:50:39) Véronique de Viguerie: Shards of Peace
(1:56:11) Paul Almasy: Travel in an Enlightened Kingdom - Ulrike Haussen
(2:06:06) Shah Marai und Wakil Kohsar: A Painful History - Florence Drouhet
(2:12:08) Gohar Dashti: Fragments of Memories
(2:17:03) Sarah Caron: The Land of the Pure
(2:24:32) Ebrahim Noroozi: Deceptive Daydreams - Florence Drouhet
(2:28:13) Mélanie Wenger: The Heart of the Largest French Sanctuary
(2:35:25) Gabriele Cecconi: The Wretches and the Earth
(2:43:54) Antonin Borgeaud: A Showcase for the Islands
(2:47:39) Money Sharma: Indian Night
(2:52:45) Jérome Blin: The Promise - Florence Drouhet
(2:55:04) Abbas: Light and Shadow - Andrea Holzherr und Behnam Attar-Hamedani
(3:00:27) Hashem Shakeri: Sandy Landscapes
(3:08:58) Stephan Gladieu: Homo Demetrius - Florence Drouhet
(3:12:44) Bernard Descamps: Natura - Florence Drouhet
© Thomas Pöhler: Group photo of all participants at the media day 8th August 2023
Photographers and Exhibitions 2023
Gregor Schörg: Wilderness Area Lower Austria —> https://www.foto-schoerg.at/
Chloé Azzopardi: Ecosystems —> https://www.chloemilosazzopardi.com/
Maxime Taillez: Border(s) —> http://maximetaillez.com/
Alisa Martynova: Nowhere Near —> https://www.alisamartynova.com/
Gerhard Skoff und Brigitte Kössner-Skoff: Indias Living Root Bridges —> gerhard-skoff-brigitte-koessner-skoff
Catherine Stukhard: Great Spa Towns Of Europe - Vichy —> https://stukhard.at/de/
Horst Stasny: Icons —> https://stasny.at/
Rudolf Koppitz: Photogenie —> https://festival-lagacilly-baden.photo/de/fotografen-2023/rudolf-koppitz
Fotofestival der Schulen —> das-schulprojekt-des-festival-la-gacilly-baden-photo-2023
Berufsfotografen Niederösterreich —> https://www.berufsfotografen-noe.at
Fatima Hossaini: Under The Veil —> https://fatimahosaini.com/
Maryam Firuzi: Persian Identities —> http://www.maryamfiruzi.com/
Véronique de Viguerie: Shards of Peace —> http://veroniquedeviguerie.com/
Paul Almasy: Travel in an Enlightened Kingdom —> https://festival-lagacilly-baden.photo.paul-almasy
Shah Marai und Wakil Kohsar: A Painful History —> https://festival-lagacilly-baden.photo/shah-marai-wahil-kohsar
Gohar Dashti: Fragments of Memories —> https://gohardashti.com/
Sarah Caron: The Land of the Pure —> https://sarahcaron.com
Ebrahim Noroozi: Deceptive Daydreams —> https://www.instagram.com/ebrahimnoroozi/
Mélanie Wenger: The Heart of the Largest French Sanctuary —> https://www.melaniewenger.com/
Gabriele Cecconi: The Wretches and the Earth —> http://www.gabrielececconi.org/
Antonin Borgeaud: A Showcase for the Islands —> http://antoninborgeaud.com/sommaire.htm
Money Sharma: Indian Night —> https://www.instagram.com/moneysharma/
Jérome Blin: The Promise —> https://jeromeblinphotographe.cargo.site/
Abbas: Light and Shadow —> https://abbasphotos.org/
Hashem Shakeri: Sandy Landscapes —> https://www.instagram.com/hashemshakeri/
Stephan Gladieu: Homo Demetrius —> https://www.stephangladieu.fr/
Bernard Descamps: Natura —> https://www.bernarddescamps.fr/
Lois Lammerhuber
Festivaldirektor ORIENT!
© Florian Czech
„Rebellious and deeply rooted images of hope from the Orient! A photographic journey between light and shadow.“
Surprising perspectives inspired by sensuous creativity: the best photographers in the world transform the gardens, streets and squares of Baden into an all-embracing work of art.
ORIENT! focuses on photographers from Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Three countries that all belong to the Persian cultural area. Three countries that we know only insufficiently, although they have conquered the hearts of all travelers like Marco Polo. Three countries whose photographers are the defenders of positive thinking and ambassadors of environmental awareness. Three countries that are home to a millennia-old civilization, a unique artistic creativity and courageous authors who have chosen photography to define their place in society. Photographers who come from these countries have always chosen to break conventions in order to develop an innovative style and look at people and gods with humanism infused in them. Honor to whom honor is due: Abbas, Gohar Dashti and Hamed Noori, Ebrahim Noroozi, Maryam Firuzi, Hashem Shakeri, Paul Almasy, Véronique de Viguerie, Fatimah Hossaini, Shah Marai and Wakil Kohsar, Sarah Caron.
Since its inception, the festival has never wavered from its mission to show the beauty of nature as well as to address the need to protect it. Through the prism of photography, we want to highlight the challenges of a sustainable world without naivety. At the same time, the sometimes dramatic reality is never disregarded. All photographs are signs of our unshakable faith in the future. The photographers of the festival decidedly want to be witnesses and part of the efforts to preserve our most beautiful common good – the planet Earth: Mélanie Wenger, Bernard Descamps, Gabriele Cecconi, Stephan Gladieu, Money Sharma, Reporters Without Borders, Brigitte Kössner-Skoff and Gerhard Skoff, Antonin Borgeaud, Jérôme Blin, Alisa Martynova, Maxime Taillez, Chloé Azzopardi.
The bilateral photo project of the schools of Morbihan in Brittany and Lower Austria is dedicated this year to the theme of openings. Whether in a literal or figurative sense, the concept of openings also encompasses communication and travel to new places or people. Ultimately, it raises the question of the construction of our individual and collective identity and our relationship with others.
Austrian photography is represented by Rudolf Koppitz, Horst Stasny and the professional photographers of Lower Austria. In addition, there are three commissioned works: Cathrine Stukhard visited the World Heritage Site of Vichy, Gregor Schörg shows the second part of his work about the wilderness area Dürrenstein-Lassingtal and Brigitte Kössner-Skoff and Gerhard Skoff explored the „Living Bridges“ in India.
CEWE – „Our World is Beautiful“: the exhibition of the winning photos of the world’s largest photo competition with almost 700,000 pictures from 170 countries will round off the festival, as will the retrospective of 2022 in the pictures and texts of the „Artists in Residence“ Pascal Maitre and Katharina V. Haderer.
35 exhibitions are dedicated to various aspects of the relationship between people and their environment. Starting from the visitor centre at Brusattiplatz, the festival stretches over 7 kilometres, divided into a garden circuit and a city circuit. Embedded in the public space, around 1,500 photographs in large format by the world’s best photographers can be seen. Admission is free.
The Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo is entering its 6th year. It appeals strongly to visitors by presenting themes of a clearly humanist orientation. In 2023 its 35 exhibitions deal with a variety of aspects in the relations between humans and their environment.
The festival extends over a length of 7 kilometres – divided into a “garden route” and a “town route”, starting from the visitor center on Brusattiplatz. Integrated into the public space are about 1,500 photographs, some as large as 280m².
It is the largest outdoor photo festival in Europe. In 2022, a total of 485,277 visitors attended the La Gacilly-Baden Photo Festival and its exhibition partners in Tulln and Celje. While 103,207 guests visited Tulln, 142,000 photo enthusiasts saw the exhibition on peace in Celje. Admission is free.
The 19th edition of La Gacilly Photo Festival “VISIONS OF THE EAST”
Founded in 2004, the La Gacilly Photo Festival invites you on an immersive photographic experience as you stroll around 20 or so open-air galleries presenting the very best in contemporary photographic creation that questions our relationship with our world and our natural environment.
Photographs adorn the streets, gardens and alleys of La Gacilly, whose outstanding built and natural heritage provides a perfect backdrop to the thousand or so images on display. Public space becomes a stage, shared and open to all, free of charge. In the YouTube video you can see my complete tour with the most pictures. Have fun 😀.
My impressions of the visit to La Gacilly 2022
My selected impressions of the biggest outdoor photography festival in La Gacilly, Bretagne, France. Look forward to the fantastic exhibition in Baden near Vienna in 2023. Programme for the 19th edition 1 Juni - 30 September 2022 in La Gacilly, Bretagne, France

DONATION: Ich freue mich, wenn ich dir jede Woche Freude bereiten und Nutzen vermitteln kann.
Rückblicke auf die Festivals 2018 bis 2022
Stolz ;-))
Mein Foto mit den Meeresbildern von Greg Lecoeur ziert das Cover des Festival Dossiers von 2021.
Hier kannst du das wunderbar bebilderte Dossier mit allen Informationen über das Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2021 herunterladen: —> pdf-Download 10MB
© Baden Tourismus
Baden liegt 26 km südlich von Wien und 33 km vom internationalen Flughafen Wien-Schwechat entfernt. Verbindung nach Baden über Wien mit dem Bus oder Bahn (City Airport Train CAT bis Wien – Mitte, Schnellbahn bis Baden Bahnhof) oder direkte Taxiverbindung über die S1.
Baden liegt direkt an der Autobahn A2 (Abfahrt Baden) und ist über die Helenental-Bundesstraße mit der Autobahn A 21 (Abfahrt Heiligenkreuz) verbunden.
Der Bahnhof Baden liegt an der Südbahnstrecke der ÖBB. —> Fahrplanauskunft ÖBB
Mit dem Stadtzentrum von Wien ist Baden direkt über die Badner Bahn verbunden. Die Endstation Baden Josefsplatz liegt direkt im Festivalgelände.
Regionalbusse: Der Casinobus bringt Sie von Wien nach Baden und retour, die Regionalbusse verbinden Baden mit den umliegenden Orten. Innerhalb von Baden verkehren die vier Stadtbuslinien A, B, C und 308 im 30-Minuten Takt und werden direkt zum Josefsplatz und Bahnhof mit direkten Zuganschlüssen nach bzw. von Wien geführt.
Wenn Sie mit dem Auto anreisen, beachten Sie bitte die Schilder „FOTOFESTIVAL“, die Sie an allen großen Ortszufahrten finden.
Es sind beeindruckende Bilder, die vor allem die Kraft und Widerstandsfähigkeit der Frauen zeigen: Portrait-Fotografin Beate Knappe hat Brustkrebspatientinnen während ihrer Erkrankung begleitet